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web:eclipse [2024/05/23 06:27] – [XDebug for PHP 5.6] Bernard Condrauweb:eclipse [2024/10/31 14:32] (current) – [Settings] Bernard Condrau
Line 58: Line 58:
   - Add or Edit **Debug Configurations...**. If you pointed the DocumentRoot to your workspace, then you can leave the URL on "Auto Generate", otherwise you must modify the URL.{{ :web:debug.jpg?100 |Debug Configuration}}   - Add or Edit **Debug Configurations...**. If you pointed the DocumentRoot to your workspace, then you can leave the URL on "Auto Generate", otherwise you must modify the URL.{{ :web:debug.jpg?100 |Debug Configuration}}
   - **Window --> Preferences --> PHP --> Code Style --> Formatter**. Select "PHP Conventions" as active profile.{{ :web:phpconvention.jpg?100 |PHP Formatter}}   - **Window --> Preferences --> PHP --> Code Style --> Formatter**. Select "PHP Conventions" as active profile.{{ :web:phpconvention.jpg?100 |PHP Formatter}}
 +  - **Window --> Preferences --> General --> Editors --> Text Editors**. Uncheck "Use find/replace overlay" (see [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/79012836/eclipse-2024-09-is-there-a-way-to-get-the-old-find-replace-window-back|Eclipse 2024-09 Is there a way to get the old Find/Replace window back?]])
   - If you have existing projects   - If you have existing projects
     * either select the project directory as workspace when first starting up the new eclipse, or     * either select the project directory as workspace when first starting up the new eclipse, or