
I wanted to have a web application through which I can access my sockets through a computer or iPad. The following components make this possible:

  • Apache web server with PHP5, see Apache2 Web Server
  • Cron
  • The SQLite3 library, consisting of PHP files only, and myLiteAdmin.php to administer the database
  • Some custom PHP code
  • A daemon written in C++ utilizing the wiringPi and RCSwitch libraries, see Access to GPIO

Custom PHP code

SQLite3 library


First, develop and trouble shoot the daemon binary.

Check the daemon

Start the daemon, then find it's process id (pid):

$ ps -ax | grep <daemon>

Find all open files:

# lsof -p <pid>

Create the init script

On Debian systems, copy the skeleton file and modify to your needs. This is quite simple and straight forward.

# cp /etc/init.d/skeleton ~/scripts/<daemon>
# vim <daemon>

Install the daemon

Copy the binary file:

# cp ~/binaries/<daemon> /usr/sbin

Copy the script:

# cp ~/scripts/<daemon> /etc/init.d

Add the daemon to the different run-levels:

# update-rc.d <daemon> defaults

Remove the daemon from the different run-levels:

# update-rc.d -f <daemon> remove

See Daemon and LSBInitScripts for more details.



 crontab -e

and enter the following lines:

*/5 * * * * wget http://localhost/path/to/web/code/state-machine.php
* 14 * * * wget http://localhost/path/to/web/code/randomize.php

The first line will run the state machine every 5 minutes. The second line will randomize your on / off pattern every day at 14:00.