Install Raid1

Hardware configuration

  • MB : ASUS M2N32 Workstation Professional
  • CPU: Athlon 64 X2 5600+
  • HD : 2xWD 74GB Raptor, 2xSamsung 2TB, 2xSamsung 1TB
  • RAM: 4 GB DDR2-6400
  • Usage: Server

Desired configuration of the disks

hdd partition raid1 lvm mount point
sda sda1 md4 - /
sdb sdb1 md4
sda sda3 md1 - swap
sdb sdb3 md1
sda sda2 md3 - -
sdb sdb2 md3
sdc sdc1 md5 vg1, lv1, lv2 /home, /srv
sdd sdd1 md5
sde sde1 md2 vg2, lv3 /backup
sdf sdf1 md2 vg2, lv3 /backup

md3 is the previous system partition, not mounted. To be used when upgrading the operating system.

Install Base

  1. Install Kubuntu Edgy (6.10) Alternate Install: F6-F6-Expert Mode
  2. Install Ubuntu Hardy (8.04) Alternate Install: F6-F6-Expert Mode
  3. Install Raid1 with MD package activated
  4. DO NOT install LVM during initial setup
  5. Boot into KDE from HD
  • Note: if MD oder LVM already activated before and need clean: 2nd shell (Alt-F2) > mdadm - -manage - -stop md0 > mdadm - -manage - -remove md0 before writing to disk in partitioner

Check wether all volumes get mounted during system boot

to check wether root and swap are mounted, enter:

free -m -t

to check mismatching uuid's, enter:

ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid
cat /etc/fstab

to fix, do:

vim /etc/fstab

replace the uuid's found in fstab with the ones found in /dev/disk. Make sure you copy the correct uuid (md0, md1) to the respective entry in fstab.