
Joomla Core

  1. Download the latest Joomla core package, unzip to your web host, and run the installer.
  2. Select UK English as default and install the language packs for German. Activate the multilingual feature without localised content.
  3. Publish Main Menu for all languages, and unpublish the menus for language localized content.
  4. Set Website Timezone in Global Configuration.
  5. Set Mail Settings in Global Configuration.


  1. Enable the “Two Factor Authentication - Google Authenticator” plugin in the back-end, Extensions –> Plugins, Site Sections “Administrator”, other settings unchanged.
  2. Go to Users –> Manage, select the administrator user, then set Authentication Method to “Google Authenticator”. Scan the QR code in your smartphone app or take a note of the One time emergency passwords.


  1. Install Akeeba Backup version 7.1.3 or higher
    • Run the Configuration Wizard
    • Modify zip format and output file directory
  2. Install SP Page Builder Pro version 3.7.1 or higher
  3. Install Unite Slider version 5.0.16 or higher
    • You need to manually modify image path in #__revslider_slides after changing server or site url (for example when copying a backup from your development environment)
  4. Install Vina Article Accordion version 2.0 or higher
    • Set colors in back-end module settings
    • Modify open/close images in /modules/mod_vina_accordion_content/assets/images if necessary
    • Add rounded corners styling to /modules/mod_vina_accordion_content/assets/css/style.css
    • Fix rounded corners javascript code in /modules/mod_vina_accordion_content/assets/js/jquery.accordion.js
      // $(this).addClass(opts.cssClose).removeClass(opts.cssOpen);
      // bco: fix rounded borders during closing
      setTimeout(function(ths, opts){$(ths).addClass(opts.cssClose).removeClass(opts.cssOpen);}, 560, this, opts);
  5. Install EShop version 3.3.0 or higher
    • Change Twitter Bootstrap Version to 4 in System –> Layout, but do not load the bootstrap CSS from EShop
    • Remove file /components/com_eshop/themes/default/css/custom.css as it's empty
    • Remove unneeded image files from /media/com_eshop
    • Modify styles in your templates custom.css
    • Copy eshop modules css from /modules/mod_eshop_<mod>/asset/style.css to /templates/bethico/css/mod_eshop_<mod>.css and modify, for example mod_eshop_cart.css
    • Replace the last line of /modules/mod_eshop_cart/mod_eshop_cart.php with:
      if ($countProducts) require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_eshop_cart', $params->get('layout', 'default'));
  6. Install SP Simple Portfolio component & module version 1.8. Version 1.9 is buggy and does not work.
    • Copy files in /template/bethico/overrides/mod_spsimpleportfolio
    • Must use the template override
  7. Install JD Simple Contact Form module version 1.6 or higher
    • Copy files in /template/bethico/overrides/mod_jdsimplecontactform
    • Must use the template override



  1. Install template Bethico. This is based on Helix Ultimate which uses Bootstrap v4.1.0! Header style-3 and custom.css have been modified from the original Helix Ultimate template.
  2. Make the template default and change the module positions in the backend


  • Copy all folders in /images
  • Main Menu: disable menu text, assign icons
    1. Home (fa-home)
    2. Blog (fa-blog)
    3. Leagues (fa-trophy)
    4. Functions and Statistics (fa-coins)
    5. Create a site (fa-tools)
    6. FAQ (fa-question)
    7. Bethico Wiki (fa-file-alt)
    8. Shop (fa-shopping-cart)

Bethico Captcha: plg_bethico_captcha

  1. Install plg_bethico_captcha
  2. Enable plugin and check settings
  3. Set Blacklist file if you want the plugin to register IPs of detected bots. Currently, a bot is detected if a form field is filled, one which is hiddent to humans. The Blacklist file path is relative to the document root of the Joomla installation the plugin is activated for. Add something like '../../ipblacklist.conf' to have the file written to a path outside of the document root. This way, the file can be shared by all instances the plugin is active in. Make sure the folder where ipblacklist.conf resides in is writeable for the apache user. IPs are not recorded if the file path is empty.
  4. Set Server restart command to the command used to reload config or restart the server for the newly blocked IP to be recognized. On a debian system this would be '/etc/init.d/apache2 reload' which needs to be executed as root, so enter 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload' here. You also need to make sure that the apache user is allowed to run the command without password in the sudoers file. You may leave the command empty to avoid executing any command after a bot IP has been detected.

Bethico Language Switcher: mod_bethico_switcher

  1. Install mod_bethico_switcher
  2. Assign module position and enable for all pages
  3. Copy folder “flags24” to /media/com_bethico/images/

Bethico League Info: mod_bethico_league_info

  1. Install mod_bethico_league_info
  2. Make sure the module helper can access all databases of all leagues
  3. Make sure file /components/com_bethico/sitename.php exists for all leagues
  1. Install mod_bethico_legal
  2. Assign module position and enable for all pages

Bethico Cookies: mod_bethico_cookies

  1. Install mod_bethico_cookies
  2. Assign module position and enable for all pages
  3. Copy folder “js” to /media/com_bethico

Administrator plugin: plg_bethicoadmin

  1. Install bethicoadmin plugin
  2. add return; to 'quickicon/joomlaupdate' and 'quickicon/extensionupdate' plugins to avoid their quickicons to load in the Control Panel
  3. add 'icon' ⇒ 'header/icon-48-purge.png' to 'quickicon/akeebabackup' plugin to enable icon in Control Panel
  1. Install all league logo files into /images/bethico
  2. Set “logo-menu-small.png” as logo
  3. Set “logo-menu-login.png” as login logo