

  • I recommend to install VirtualBox from the Oracle repository, as you get the latest version of VirtualBox
  • Add “virtualbox.list” to /etc/apt/sources.list.d
    sudo deb stretch contrib
  • Add Oracle VirtualBox public key:
    sudo apt-key add oracle_vbox_2016.asc
    sudo apt-key add oracle_vbox.asc
  • Install Virtualbox:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install virtualbox-6.0
  • Download the VirtualBox Extension Pack. Double click the file from within the GUI to install.


Guest Additions

  • To upgrade the Guest Additions after upgrading the host version, download the guest additions pack, close all virtual machines, and start virtualbox as root
    sudo virtualbox
  • After installing the Guest Additions, close virtualbox and restart it as user

Guest Additions for a Debian 9 guest on a Debian 7 host

  • Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list.d:
    deb stretch-backports main contrib
  • Install virtualbox-guest-dkms, kernel headers, and, optionally, virtualbox-guest-x11 (for the graphical guest utilities):
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-x11 linux-headers-$(uname -r)
  • Reboot the guest system.

Autostart and Autostop

There are several options to autostart (and autostop) virtual machines. For a server environment with a Debian host the 1. option through rc.local is preferrable.

  1. through rc.local
  2. through X desktop
  3. through VirtualBox command line

through rc.local


  1. install rc.local as a systemd service on your debian server. This emulates the SysVinit behavior of rc.local as Debian changed the default init system to systemd with Debian Jessie 8
  2. mount encrypted file systems through rc.local as explained in Encrypted partitions/folders with auto-mount
  3. start vms through rc.local headless. Since rc.local runs as root you need to use runuser to start the vm as the user who created the vm. You may also chose to put the startvm code into a script and add execution of the script to rc.local:
    runuser -l <user> -c "vboxmanage startvm <vm-name> --type headless"


  1. put a symlink to the following script into /lib/systemd/system-shutdown:
    runuser -l <user> -c "ssh <vm-name> 'sudo systemctl poweroff </dev/null &>/dev/null &'"
    while [ "`runuser -l <user> -c 'vboxmanage list runningvms'`" != "" ]
        echo waiting for VMs to shutdown
        sleep 5
  2. allow <user> to execute command 'systemctl poweroff' in the vm (do not ssh into the VM as root - security!). Note that 'systemctl poweroff' is the systemd command, do not use poweroff or shutdown commands:
    sudo visudo
    <user> ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/systemctl poweroff
  3. the scripts must be run as root so they can be executed through rc.local
  4. also, the server must be shut down with systemctl rather than reboot or shutdown for this to work

through XFCE Desktop


  • On the host, open Settings → Session and Startup, then add a new task under Application Autostart with the following command:
    VBoxManage startvm <VM name>


  • On the client, open Settings → Power Manager, then set the desired action under “When power button is pressed”

through VirtualBox command line

  1. Configuration
    sudo vim /etc/default/virtualbox
    sudo vim /etc/vbox/autostart.cfg
    default_policy = deny
    # Create an entry for each user allowed to use autostart
    username = {
      allow = true
      startup_delay = 10
    sudo chgrp vboxusers /etc/vbox
    sudo chmod 1775 /etc/vbox
    sudo usermod -aG vboxusers username
  2. Choose VMs to automatically start and stop
    VBoxManage setproperty autostartdbpath /etc/vbox # first time a user configures autostart only
    VBoxManage modifyvm <vmname> --autostart-enabled <on|off>
    VBoxManage modifyvm <vmname> --autostop-type <disabled|savestate|poweroff|acpishutdown>
  3. Restart VirtualBox autostart service
    sudo service vboxautostart-service restart

Start VM

vboxmanage startvm MachineName

Stop VM

vboxmanage controlvm MachineName acpipowerbutton

In xfce desktop, make sure the action on Power Button is set in Settings –> Power Manager

Stop VM before powering down host through NUT

Set different timeouts to the shutdown command used by NUT. For example, set +0 for the clients, and +1 for the host.

Check running VMs

One of the following commands:

VBoxManage list runningvms
vboxmanage list vms --long | grep -e "Name:" -e "State:"


Update VirtualBox

  • Make sure to update the same way you installed the previous version, either from the Oracle repository, or from the Debian backports
  • If you followed my guide, check the VirtualBox (e.g. 6.1.16)
  • Updating the build is done by running “apt upgrade”
    audo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
  • Updating to a new version or revision is done by running “apt install virtualbox-<version>.<revision>”, e.g.
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install virtualbox-6.1


Manage VirtualBox through CLI

Extension Pack

  • Remove old extension pack
    sudo vboxmanage extpack uninstall "Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack"
  • Download current extension pack from Download VirtualBox and install
    sudo vboxmanage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.30.vbox-extpack

Run VM

  • vboxmanage startvm "<vm_name>" --type headless

Hold back upgrade

  • sudo apt-mark hold virtualbox-6.1
  • sudo apt-mark unhold virtualbox-6.1
