This is not a design flaw in Windows 11 but intended to make WSL2 less prone to security issues. I would suggest the following alternative if you need access to WSL2 from your LAN or even WAN:

  1. Establish an autossh connection from your Windows 11 host (WSL2) to a server or machine in your LAN
  2. Start SSH and autossh on user logon from Windows with the following commands:
    C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\bash.exe -c "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start"
    C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\bash.exe -c "autossh -M 0 -f -N -R <reverse_port>:localhost:<ssh_port> host.domain.tld -p <wan_port> && sleep 1"

    (note: sleep 1 second is required to give autossh time to drop into background before the shell is terminated)

  3. Allow /etc/init.d/ssh to be started as root by your Windows login user in WSL (visudo)
  4. Add the following options in the server's sshd_config to have ssh drop the connection if unresponsive:
    ClientAliveInterval 60
    ClientAliveCountMax 10

With this you can access your WSL2 instance anytime from anywhere. You will need to open the <wan_port> in your firewall if you need WAN access, and you should consider restricting the task in Task Scheduler to run on “AC power” only to preserve battery.