Table of Contents

Audacity 3 (snap)

The following walk through works on Debian 9, 10, and 11.


  1. Install snapd
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install snapd
    sudo snap install core
    sudo snap refresh core
  2. Remove audacity installed through packet manager
    sudo apt remove audacity
  3. Install audacity through snap
    sudo snap install audacity
    sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
  4. Add permissions for audacity to use the alsa sound system
    sudo snap connect audacity:alsa
  • Note: if you have installed and used audacity through the packet manager before, keeping settings will allow the new audacity 3 install to use those settings. This means do not use –purge when removing audacity in step 2 and do not remove folder ~/.audacity-data from your user's home folder.

Remote control

I use an Android tablet to remote control my Audacity installation on the server.

  • Install any VNC client on your mobile device
  • Install VNC on the server and tweak permissions for accessing the X server through Snap