Table of Contents

Apps and migration


  • Wifi Switcher from Cloudie Development, set pPreferred WiFi networks & switch when the signal gets low.
  • Super Clone



Migrate from iPhone to Android

  1. Make an unencrypted backup of your iPhone with iTunes
  2. Download and install WazzapMigrator Extractor on your PC
  3. Run the extractor and browse to your iPhone backup, which under Windows 10 usually is in C:\Users\<user>\Apple\MobileSync\Backup
  4. Copy the extracted WhatsApp backup to a USB stick and connect it to your new Android device
  5. Uninstall WhatsApp on your Android phone if it is already installed
  6. Purchase and install WazzapMigrator from Android's Play Store on your new Android device
  7. Run WazzapMigrator, then download and install the specific WhatsApp version suggested by WazzapMigrator
  8. Open WhatsApp and go through the backup restore and setup steps
  9. Uninstall WhatsApp and install it again from Google Play Store (you might need to wait for SMS code to enable again, or request a call)



  1. Copy the entire card storage space to a backup folder on your PC or network
  2. Insert the new SDcard, then copy from the backup folder to the card, but consider “Apps” below
  3. Apps
    • change settings within app to point to new external storage location (new volume id)
    • de.weka.ipad.stereoplay: DO NOT copy the contents from the backup folder, just copy an empty de.weka.ipad.stereoplay/files/content/ folder. Insert the old SDcard though a USB card reader, wait until the card is recognized, then move the contents from within “Settings” of the Stereoplay app
    • org.xbmc.kodi: modify in the root directory of the internal (device) storage with the new volume id

Alternative upgrade approach

  1. Copy the entire card storage space to a backup folder on your PC or network
  2. Open a command shell and type “vol X:” to find the volume ID of the card. X: is the drive your card is mapped to under Windows.
  3. Find and download a tool to modify the volume id (VolumeID from Sysinternals cannot modify exFat formatted cards)
  4. Unmount the old card, mount the new card, then assign the volume ID taken from step 2 to the new card
  5. Move or copy the card storage space from the backup folder created in step 1 to the new card
  6. Unmount and plug back in to your device
  7. You should also change the volume ID of the old card, or better, re-format the old card (which will assign a new random volume ID based on current date and time)