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deb11:setup [2023/04/20 22:02] – [System Startup] Bernard Condraudeb11:setup [2024/12/13 12:04] (current) – [Install and configure packages] Bernard Condrau
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 $ sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre openjdk-17-jdk</code> $ sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre openjdk-17-jdk</code>
   * Change visudo editor<code>$ sudo update-alternatives --config editor</code>   * Change visudo editor<code>$ sudo update-alternatives --config editor</code>
 +===== Upgrade linux headers =====
 +  * Check remaining space on the boot partition with:<code>df -h | grep "^/dev/"</code>
 +  * Remove outdated kernel packages:<code>sudo apt-get autoremove</code>
 +  * First check your kernel version, so you won't delete the in-use kernel image, running:<code>uname -r</code>
 +  * Delete the kernels you don't want/need anymore by running this:<code>sudo apt-get remove linux-image-VERSION</code>
 +  * Update grub kernel list:<code>sudo update-grub</code>
 ===== System Startup ===== ===== System Startup =====
 Debian 11 uses Systemd, not SysV, that's why your commands in ''/etc/rc.local'' file would not run at system boot time. This guide explains how to enable ''/etc/rc.local'' script to run on system startup. Debian 11 uses Systemd, not SysV, that's why your commands in ''/etc/rc.local'' file would not run at system boot time. This guide explains how to enable ''/etc/rc.local'' script to run on system startup.
-  - Create a rc.local unit file, follow [[deb10:rclocal|Apache Server through Proxy]]+  - Create a rc.local unit file, follow [[deb10:rclocal|Services - rc.local]]
   - Create file rc.local in /etc with the following content:<code>vim /etc/rc.local   - Create file rc.local in /etc with the following content:<code>vim /etc/rc.local
 #!/bin/sh -e #!/bin/sh -e