Table of Contents

Eclipse IDE

The Eclipse IDE Integrated Development Environment is open source and provides an excellent environment to develop web applications. I migrated the LAMP server from XAMPP to WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) with the arrival of Windows 10. See here for XAMPP related instructions.

Application Version
Eclipse for PHP Developers 2024-03
OS Debian 12.5
Apache 2.4.59
PHP 8.3.7
MariaDB 10.11.61

1MariaDB 10.11 versus MySQL 8.0

LAMP with Xdebug

Eclipse IDE


Eclipse requires Java to run, so install this first.




Install the TypeScript IDE for Eclipse.

  1. Install required software: Java 7, Eclipse Kepler 4.3 or higher, Node.js.
  2. In Eclipse go to Help → Install New Software…
  3. Mark the plugin version you would like to install then press Next…
  4. On Install Details press Next…
  5. Review and confirm the plugin to install.
  6. Restart Eclipse.


  1. Go to Window → Preferences → General and enable “Show heap status”.
  2. Go to Window → Preferences → General → Workspace and modify the Workspace settings.Workspace
  3. Go to Window → Preferences → General → Web browser and set the desired browser for browser output.Web browser
  4. Go to Window → Preferences → PHP → Servers and enter the web server settings.PHP Server
  5. Go to Window → Preferences → PHP → Validation and set the PHP version.Validation
  6. Go to Window → Preferences → PHP → Debug → Debuggers and check the XDebug settings. They must comply with the settings in the php.ini file. Set “Accept remote session (JIT)” to off if you don't want the debugger to automatically start when opening any URL on localhost.XDebug
  7. There are three places where the “Break on first line” configuration can be set:
    • Window → Preferences → PHP → Debug
    • Project → Properties → PHP → Debug
    • Run → Debug Configurations → PHP Web Application → <Your configuration> → Debugger
  8. Add or Edit Debug Configurations…. If you pointed the DocumentRoot to your workspace, then you can leave the URL on “Auto Generate”, otherwise you must modify the URL.Debug Configuration
  9. Window –> Preferences –> PHP –> Code Style –> Formatter. Select “PHP Conventions” as active profile.PHP Formatter
  10. If you have existing projects
    • either select the project directory as workspace when first starting up the new eclipse, or
    • delete the workspace directories and files (filenames start with “.”), then import the project directories with File –> Import –> General –> Existing Projects into Workspace
