Table of Contents


Follow one of the excellent guides from DigitalOcean (see Links below). Follow all the steps to the detail and everything will work, below are modifications I made for my personal requirements. Make sure you run commands as regular user and only elevate to root when told to do so.


  1. Make sure you followed Initial Server Setup with Debian 9 before you setup the VPN Server
  2. Establish a non-root administrative user with sudo privileges
  3. Install UFW Firewall and make sure the correct interface is set up in /etc/ufw/before.rules
  4. I separated the Certificate Authority Server (CA Server) and the VPN Server as recommended in the walk-through. I use 2 different VPN Servers in 2 locations with the same credentials, the CA Server is located on a virtual machine and switched off when not used. (bco: OpenVPN)
  5. Install EasyRSA

Adding Clients

Setting up the environment (VPN Server(s) and CA Server) takes a while, the many steps are outlined clearly and in detail in the Original Article below in my Wiki or on the DigitalOcean website. In this paragraph I summarized the steps necessary to add clients to the VPN. Since both VPN Servers use the same credentials, the process is identical apart from using a different base.conf file which contains the server's IP address.

VPN Server

CA Server

VPN Server