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hw:hw [2018/02/26 16:34] Bernard Condrauhw:hw [2024/11/23 15:30] (current) Bernard Condrau
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-====== Projects & Hardware ======+====== Hardware ======
   * [[:hw:machines|Machines]]   * [[:hw:machines|Machines]]
 +  * [[hw:phones|Phones]]
 +  * [[hw:Simore]]
   * [[:rpi:raspi|Raspberry Pi]]   * [[:rpi:raspi|Raspberry Pi]]
   * [[:hw:hg8245|Huawei HG8245 router]]   * [[:hw:hg8245|Huawei HG8245 router]]
-  * [[:hw:udp203|Oppo UDP-203]]+  * [[hw:udp203|OPPO UDP-203]] 
 +  * [[:hw:foscamr2|Foscam R2 Camera]] 
 +  * [[:hw:testreports|Test Reports]] 
 +  * [[hw:phono|Phono Turntables]] 
 +  * [[hw:xiaomi|Xiaomi Mi Box]] 
 +  * [[hw:synohw|Synology NAS]] 
 +  * [[hw:capture|Video Capture Cards]] 
 +  * [[hw:squeezebox|SqueezeBox and Transporter]] 
 +  * [[hw:reolink|Reolink Cameras]]