Table of Contents

Hardware Compatibility

The following hardware components have been added to my Synology NAS systems and are fully compatible.


Check HDD type with

sudo smartctl -a /dev/yourdrive

Device 6TB 8TB 10TB 12TB 14TB 16TB
DS212+ HGST HDN726060ALE610
DS213+ HGST HDN726060ALE610
DS218+ HGST HDN721010ALE604
DS220+ HGST HDN726060ALE610 Seagate ST16000NM001G
DS716+ II HGST HDN726060ALE610
DS718+ HGST HUH721212ALE600


Check RAM type with

sudo dmidecode --type 17

Device Type Module Size Specification CPU Total Size Module
DS716+ II DDR3-1600 8GB Samsung M471B1G73QH0-YK0 N3160 8GB replaced
DS718+ DDR3-1866 8GB Kingston KHX1866C11S3L/8G J3455 10GB added
DS220+ DDR4-2400 8GB Crucial CT8G4SFS8266 J4025 10GB added