===== Install VMware 7.1 ===== Install the linux headers: apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) There is a bugfix for 64 bit version posted [[http://www.apleben.com/2010/10/vmware-workstation-7-1-patch-for-linux-kernel-2-6-35/|here]], download this {{:at1010:vmware-7.1-2.6.35_36-3-generic-patch.tar.gz|patch}} and install it. Tested on Workstation 7.1.0 build-261024 and 7.1.2 build-301548. To be able to run the compilation, you need to make the following modification, which is also included in the patch file above: Within the vmmon sources, the iommu.c file has function calls to iommu_map_range and iommu_unmap_range. For the 64 bit version of Ubuntu, these calls need the '_range' suffix removed. After installing VMware, the following commands patches the vmmon sources: cd /tmp tar xvf /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/vmmon.tar -C /tmp perl -pi -e 's,_range,,' vmmon-only/linux/iommu.c tar cvf /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/vmmon.tar vmmon-only I have later decided to go back to VirtualBox, which installs without any issues.