====== Record with OBS Studio ====== ===== Settings ===== ==== Gear ==== * Xiaomi //Mi Box S// Android streaming and video player * UGREEN //40281// HDMI Audio Extractor * JVC //HR-S6711EU// VHS player * [[https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/intensitypro4k/techspecs/W-INT-05|Blackmagic]] //Intensity Pro// 4K PCI-e capture card * [[https://www.esi-audio.de/|ESI]] //U86XT// USB audio interface ==== Software ==== * //[[https://obsproject.com/|OBS Studio]]// 27.2.4 (use for different capture cards) * //[[https://handbrake.fr/downloads.php|HandBrake]]// 1.5.1 (GUI and CLI version) * //[[https://www.smplayer.info/en/downloads|SMPlayer]]// ==== Desktop Audio 5.1 ==== * Video: none * Audio: Windows 10 App ==== FHD Surround 5.1 (Intensity Pro) ==== * Video: Mi Box S -> 40281 (HDMI) -> Intensity Pro (HDMI) * Audio: Mi Box S -> 40281 (SPDIF) -> AVR-4308 (5.1 through Pre Out) to U86XT (Line IN 1-6) ==== VHS Stereo (Intensity Pro) ==== * Video: HR-S6711EU (composite) -> Intensity Pro (Y - green) * Audio: HR-S6711EU (stereo) -> Intensity Pro (RCA) * Audio monitor: HR-S6711EU (stereo) -> AVR-4308 === Settings === * Output\\ **Hint**: Chose //Simple// or //Advanced//, not both, then save. //Simple// is good for lossless recording of both video and audio. //Advanced// is only necessary for some special use cases. * Output Mode: Simple * Recording Path * Recording Quality: Lossless Quality * Output Mode: Advanced * Type: Custom Output (FFmpeg) * File path or URL * Container Format: matroska * Audio Bitrate: 256 Kbps * Audio Track: 1 * Audio Encoder: pcm_s16le * Audio * Sample Rate: 48 kHz * Channels: Stereo * Video\\ **Hint**: The base resolution of the capture card is 720x576. Reducing it by 10 pixels gets rid of the sync lines at the bottom of the video, but this might depend on your VHS player. The value is not selectable, so click into the //Base (Canvas) Resolution// field and enter 720x566 manually. * Base (Canvas) Resolution: 720x566 * Output (Scaled) Resolution: 720x566 * Downscale Filter: Lanczos (Sharpened scaling, 36 samples) * Common FPS Values: 50 PAL === Properties === * Video Connection: Composite * Audio Connection: Analog RCA * Channel: 2ch === Advanced Audio Properties === * Tracks: 1 === Filters === * Gain: -1.00 dB * Limiter: Threshold -1.00 dB, Release 60 ms === Deinterlacing === * Yadif 2x * Top Field First ==== Record VHS with OBS Studio ==== === Settings === * Output\\ **Hint**: Chose //Simple// or //Advanced//, not both, then save. //Simple// is good for lossless recording of both video and audio. //Advanced// is only necessary for some special use cases. * Output Mode: Simple * Recording Path * Recording Quality: Lossless Quality * Output Mode: Advanced * Type: Custom Output (FFmpeg) * File path or URL * Container Format: matroska * Audio Bitrate: 256 Kbps * Audio Track: 1 * Audio Encoder: pcm_s16le * Audio * Sample Rate: 48 kHz * Channels: Stereo * Video\\ **Hint**: The base resolution of the capture card is 720x576. Reducing it by 10 pixels gets rid of the sync lines at the bottom of the video, but this might depend on your VHS player. The value is not selectable, so click into the //Base (Canvas) Resolution// field and enter 720x566 manually. * Base (Canvas) Resolution: 720x566 * Output (Scaled) Resolution: 720x566 * Downscale Filter: Lanczos (Sharpened scaling, 36 samples) * Common FPS Values: 50 PAL === Properties === * Video Connection: Composite * Audio Connection: Analog RCA * Channel: 2ch === Advanced Audio Properties === * Tracks: 1 === Filters === * Gain: -1.00 dB * Limiter: Threshold -1.00 dB, Release 60 ms === Deinterlacing === * Yadif 2x * Top Field First ===== How Tos ===== * [[https://www.google.com/search?q=control+clipping+in+obs+studio&rlz=1C1CHBF_enTH845TH845&oq=control+clipping+in+obs+studio&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i22i29i30l9.4656j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8|Prevent Clipping]] * [[https://obsproject.com/wiki/Profiles-And-Scene-Collections#:~:text=A%20Profile%20saves%20most%20OBS,Profile%20for%20streaming%20on%20Twitch.|Profiles and Scene Collections]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Od5yZG1JmgE|How to transfer your VHS to Computer]] * [[https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/how-to-record-high-quality-wav-audio-in-obs.108095/|How to record high quality Wav audio in OBS ?]] * [[https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/correct-settings-for-capturing-vhs-please-help-a-newbie.131241/#:~:text=In%20OBS%2C%20set%20Settings%2D%3E,%22%20or%20%22Indistinguishable%20Quality%22.|Correct settings for capturing VHS]] * [[https://www.videoproc.com/video-editor/deinterlace-video.htm|5 Best Ways to Deinterlace Video in 2022]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkKaVyx1ukU|How To Properly De interlace Videos To 50 or 60 Fps Progressive]]