====== Merge multiple video files ======
This walk-through explains how to merge multiple video files. Simple merging the ripped files with MKVToolNix will result in black section of several seconds at the location where part 1 and part 2 are joined, to avoid this we have to add several steps to the merging process. The steps are similar for 3D and 2D movies, below is the example for **Avatar: The Way of Water** 3D. For a 2D movie, replace steps 1-3 with a transcode with HandbrakeCLI.
- Rip the 2 discs with MakeMKV
- Use MD3D2MK3D to create "side by side" or "top & bottom" movie files
- Use SMPlayer to find the end frame of movie part 1 and the start frame of movie part 2
- Modify movie part 1:
- Use the "--default-duration" value from file ''%%__MUX_3D_OPTIONS.json%%'' in folder ''MKV3D'' and multiply with this value. For the Avatar 3D movie these values are as follows:
* Duration of ripped movie: 1h51m14.459s
* New duration (position of end frame): 1h51m13.417s, duration 6673.417 seconds
* Amount of frames: 6673.417 * 24000 / 1001 = 160,002 frames
- Modify the frames in the following 2 files, from ''160,027'' to ''160,002''MKV3D\__ENCODE_3D.cmd
- Run againMKV3D\__ENCODE_3D_LAUNCHER.cmdto generate the file without the black frames at the end
- Use tsMuxerGUI to trim the length of the DTS or AC3 audio track to 1h51m13.417s length
- Merge the mkv file (step 4c) with the trimmed audio (step 4d) in MKVToolNix
- Modify movie part 2:
- Load the 3D mkv file into MKVToolNix and set the delay for all tracks to -1960ms, then Start multiplexing
- Merge the 2 newly generated files
* Part 1 (step 4e)
* Part 2 (step 5a)