====== Record with OBS Studio ======
The biggest challenge when recording from an Android TV Box (video streaming hardware) is to record video and surround sound in sync. I tried several ways of doing this and found one which allows me to do it in one recording without too expensive hardware. I have not found a video capture card on the market which allows to record a protected video stream or multi-channel surround sound.\\
**Note**: This guide is not intended to teach you how to circumvent copy protection. Make sure the source or service you are recording from allows you to make a copy for your own use before you record. Creating multiple copies or selling copies is prohibited by law.
**Note**: Subtitles stretch to convert from PAL to NTSC or vice versa: 0.960 / 0.959 or 1.0416
===== Settings =====
==== Gear ====
* Media Player: [[android:nokia|Nokia Streaming Box 8010]] or [[android:miboxs|Xiaomi Mi Box S 4K]] Android streaming and video player
* BDP: [[hw:udp203|OPPO UDP-203]] 4K Ultra HD Bluray Disc Player (player with HDMI passthrough and analog surround 7.1 audio outputs)
* Handheld App: Remote Control App [[https://oppodigital.com/blu-ray-udp-203/blu-ray-udp-203-Support.aspx]] or [[https://apkcombo.com/oppo-udp-20x-mediacontrol/com.oppo.oppomediacontrol/download/apk]]
* Video Capture: [[https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/intensitypro4k/techspecs/W-INT-05|Blackmagic]] //Intensity Pro// 4K PCI-e capture card
* USB Audio: [[https://www.esi-audio.de/|ESI]] //U86XT// USB audio interface
* Isolator: [[https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082GV15Y1?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details|Conext Link AD104 RCA Stereo 2 Channel Ground Loop Isolator Signal Noise Filter Suppressor]] (avoid ground loop)
* NoHDCP: [[https://www.ugreen.co.th/product/22/ugreen-40281-hdmi-audio-extractor-hdmi-to-hdmi-with-optical-toslink-spdif-audio|UGREEN 40281 HDMI Audio Extractor]] (disable HDCP)
With this setup you can record video and 5.1 or 7.1 audio at the same time.
==== Cost of gear ====
* Media Player: 100 USD
* Disc Player: 1000 USD (you need to find a premium player or another device with HDMI passthrough and analog surround audio outputs). Instead of a Disc Player you can utilitze any 5.1 pre-amplifier which supports an audio codec currently used by //Netflix//, //Disney+//, //Amazon Prime//, //HBO Go//, etc. If you use a pre-amplifier with variable output volume make sure you adjust the volume so you don't need to post-process amplification to it. Note that not every 5.1 pre-amplifier works, only one which supports the audio codec in the source stream.
* Multi-channel USB audio interface: 300 USD (with 6 or 8 analog inputs). If you don't have one or do not want to buy one you can record the 6 channels in 3 stereo pairs and then sync the audio with Audacity. 3 stereo pairs means you need to record the stream 3 times, each time you connect a different pair of analog output to the analog stereo input of the Video Capture card (e.g. L/R, C/LFE, SL/SR).
* Ground Loop Isolators: 30 USD (for 6 channels)
* HDMI to HDMI converter: 30 USD (to remove HDCP)
* TOTAL: **1500 USD**
==== Connection diagram ====
flowchart LR;
USBaudio["USB Audio"];
Box["Media Player"];
NoHDCP--HDMI-->BDP["Disc Player"];
(6ch RCA)"-->Isolator;
(6ch RCA)"-->USBaudio;
click PC "#software"
* The UDP needs to be set to //Source Direct// to pass through the video to the capture card, and the input needs to be set to //HDMI In//.
* While //Netflix// has a desktop client from which you could separately record 5.1 audio, other streaming clients on Windows do not have this feature.
==== Steps ====
- Switch on Media Player
- Switch on Disc Player
- Set Disc Player to HDMI in with remote or handheld app
- Start OBS
==== Software ====
* //[[https://obsproject.com/|OBS Studio]]// 27.2.4
* //[[https://handbrake.fr/downloads.php|HandBrake]]// 1.5.1 (GUI and CLI version)
* //[[https://www.smplayer.info/en/downloads|SMPlayer]]//
==== Desktop Audio 5.1 ====
* Video: none
* Audio: Windows 10 App
==== FHD Surround 5.1 (Intensity Pro) ====
* Video: Mi Box S -> 40281 (HDMI) -> Intensity Pro (HDMI)
* Audio: Mi Box S -> 40281 (SPDIF) -> AVR-4308 (5.1 through Pre Out) to U86XT (Line IN 1-6)
* Make sure you connect the U86XT through a Ground Loop Isolator to the AVR to avoid ground loop issues while recording
* Set the AVR-4308 to volume -10 dB
==== VHS Stereo (Intensity Pro) ====
* Video: HR-S6711EU (composite) -> Intensity Pro (Y - green)
* Audio: HR-S6711EU (stereo) -> Intensity Pro (RCA)
* Audio monitor: HR-S6711EU (stereo) -> AVR-4308
==== OBS Studio ====
=== Settings ===
* Output\\ **Hint**: Chose //Simple// or //Advanced//, not both, then save. //Simple// is good for lossless recording of both video and audio. //Advanced// is only necessary for some special use cases.
* Output Mode: Simple
* Recording Path
* Recording Quality: Lossless Quality
* Output Mode: Advanced
* Type: Custom Output (FFmpeg)
* File path or URL
* Container Format: matroska
* Audio Bitrate: 256 Kbps
* Audio Track: 1
* Audio Encoder: pcm_s16le
* Audio
* Sample Rate: 48 kHz
* Channels: 5.1 or Stereo
* Video
* Base (Canvas) Resolution: 1920x1080
* Output (Scaled) Resolution: 1920x1080
* Downscale Filter: [no downscaling required]
* Common FPS Values: 60
=== Properties Intensity Pro 4K ===
* Video Connection: HDMI
* Audio Connection: Analog RCA (we do not record the audio stream)
=== Properties ESI U86 XT ===
* Device: U86 Multichannel 8 (ESI Audio Device (WDM) - U86)
* Advanced Audio Properties - Sync Offset: -120ms
* Advanced Audio Properties - Tracks: 1
=== Filters ===
* Limiter: Threshold -1.00 dB, Release 60 ms
=== Deinterlacing ===
* Disable
===== How Tos =====
* [[https://www.google.com/search?q=control+clipping+in+obs+studio&rlz=1C1CHBF_enTH845TH845&oq=control+clipping+in+obs+studio&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i22i29i30l9.4656j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8|Prevent Clipping]]
* [[https://obsproject.com/wiki/Profiles-And-Scene-Collections#:~:text=A%20Profile%20saves%20most%20OBS,Profile%20for%20streaming%20on%20Twitch.|Profiles and Scene Collections]]
* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Od5yZG1JmgE|How to transfer your VHS to Computer]]
* [[https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/how-to-record-high-quality-wav-audio-in-obs.108095/|How to record high quality Wav audio in OBS ?]]
* [[https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/correct-settings-for-capturing-vhs-please-help-a-newbie.131241/#:~:text=In%20OBS%2C%20set%20Settings%2D%3E,%22%20or%20%22Indistinguishable%20Quality%22.|Correct settings for capturing VHS]]
* [[https://www.videoproc.com/video-editor/deinterlace-video.htm|5 Best Ways to Deinterlace Video in 2022]]
* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkKaVyx1ukU|How To Properly De interlace Videos To 50 or 60 Fps Progressive]]