===== Logical Volume Manager (LVM) ===== ==== Desired configuration of the disks ==== ^ hdd ^ partition ^ raid1 ^ lvm ^ mount point ^ | sda | sda1 | - | - | / | | sda | sda2 | - | - | swap | | sda | sda3 | - | vg1 | /srv | | sdb | sdb1 | - | vg1 | /srv | ==== Install Base ==== - Install Kubuntu Feisty (7.04) Alternate Install: F6-F6-Expert Mode - Install LVM during initial setup - Boot into KDE from HD ==== Install LVM manually ==== If you need to install LVM after having setup the base system, note that there is a bug in Edgy and Feisty where the executable files will not be found. To fix it, execute the 2nd instruction below: apt-get install lvm2 ln -s /lib/lvm-200 /lib/lvm-0 ==== Install LVM volumes ==== If something goes wrong during initial install or if you later need to modify / check the lvm installation, here are the relevant commands. Before setting up the lvm volumes, you might want to check the partition table (see next paragraph). - lvm > pvcreate /dev/sda3 - lvm > pvcreate /dev/sdb1 - lvm > vgcreate vg_data /dev/sda3 - lvm > vgextend vg_data /dev/sdb1 - lvm > vgdisplay vg_data ## check volume group, count of free extents - lvm > lvcreate -lxxx vg_data ## -lxxx is number of extents - lvm > lvcreate vg_data - lvm > lvrename vg_data lvol0 lv_data - lvm > lvdisplay vg_data # check logical volume(s) - lvm > vgcfgbackup to backup volume group configurations - lvm > exit - umount /srv - mkfs -t ext3 /dev/vg_data/lv_data - mkdir /srv - mount /dev/vg_data/lv_data /srv ==== Check volume integrity and mount points ==== to check wether the partition table is ok: sfdisk -l to check wether root and swap are mounted, enter: mount free -m -t to check mismatching uuid's, enter: ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid cat /etc/fstab to fix, do: vim /etc/fstab replace the uuid's found in fstab with the ones found in /dev/disk. Make sure you copy the correct uuid (/, swap) to the respective entry in fstab.