====== Development ====== ===== Joomla Core ===== - Download the latest [[https://downloads.joomla.org/|Joomla]] core package, unzip to your web host, and run the installer. - Select UK English as default and install the language packs for German. Activate the multilingual feature without localised content. - Publish **Main Menu** for all languages, and unpublish the menus for language localized content. - Set Website Timezone in Global Configuration. - Set Mail Settings in Global Configuration. ===== Template ===== - Use [[https://joomshaper.com|Helix Ultimate]] - Add header.php to new style in /templates/bethico/headers/style-3 - Modify index.php: add copyright comment - Modify /templates/bethico/css/custom.css - Modify options.xml: field social_share_lists new option reddit, new preset 3, rearranged all presets - Add translation strings to en-GB language file - Create de-DE language file - Modify /templates/bethico/html/layouts/joomla/content/social_share.php ===== Extensions ===== - Install [[https://www.akeebabackup.com/products/akeeba-backup.html|Akeeba Backup]] version 7.1.3 or higher * Run the //Configuration Wizard// * Modify zip format and output file directory * [[https://www.akeebabackup.com/documentation/troubleshooter/post-restoration.html|Troubleshooter]] - Install [[https://www.joomshaper.com/page-builder|SP Page Builder Pro]] version 3.7.1 or higher - Install [[https://www.unitecms.net/joomla-extensions/unite-revolution-slider-responsive|Unite Slider]] version 5.0.16 or higher * You need to manually modify image path in //#__revslider_slides// after changing server or site url (for example when copying a backup from your development environment) - Install [[https://vinagecko.com/joomla-modules/item/78-article-accordion|Vina Article Accordion]] version 2.0 or higher * Set colors in back-end module settings * Modify open/close images in /modules/mod_vina_accordion_content/assets/images if necessary * Add rounded corners styling to /modules/mod_vina_accordion_content/assets/css/style.css * Fix rounded corners javascript code in /modules/mod_vina_accordion_content/assets/js/jquery.accordion.js// $(this).addClass(opts.cssClose).removeClass(opts.cssOpen); // bco: fix rounded borders during closing setTimeout(function(ths, opts){$(ths).addClass(opts.cssClose).removeClass(opts.cssOpen);}, 560, this, opts); - Install [[https://joomdonation.com/joomla-extensions/eshop-joomla-shopping-cart.html|EShop]] version 3.3.0 or higher * Change Twitter Bootstrap Version to 4 in //System --> Layout//, but do not load the bootstrap CSS from EShop * Remove file /components/com_eshop/themes/default/css/custom.css as it's empty * Remove unneeded image files from /media/com_eshop * Modify styles in your templates custom.css * Copy eshop modules css from /modules/mod_eshop_/asset/style.css to /templates/bethico/css/mod_eshop_.css and modify, for example mod_eshop_cart.css * Replace the last line of /modules/mod_eshop_cart/mod_eshop_cart.php with:if ($countProducts) require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_eshop_cart', $params->get('layout', 'default')); ===== My extensions ===== ==== plg_bethicoadmin ==== ==== plg_bethico_captcha ==== ==== mod_bethico_cookies ==== ==== mod_bethico_league_info ==== ==== mod_bethico_legal ==== ==== mod_bethico_social ==== ==== mod_bethico_switcher ==== ===== Links ===== * [[https://www.ionos.de/digitalguide/online-marketing/verkaufen-im-internet/captcha-codes-und-bilder-als-spamschutz|Captcha: Codes, Bilder und Rätsel zur Spam-Prävention]]