====== ownCloud 9.0 ======
===== Installation =====
You can add the repository key to apt. Keep in mind that the owner of the key may distribute updates, packages and repositories that your system will trust ([[https://wiki.debian.org/SecureApt|more information]]). Run the following shell commands as root to trust the repository:
wget -nv https://download.owncloud.org/download/repositories/stable/Debian_8.0/Release.key -O Release.key
apt-key add - < Release.key
Run the following shell commands as root to add the repository and install from there:
sh -c "echo 'deb http://download.owncloud.org/download/repositories/stable/Debian_8.0/ /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/owncloud.list"
apt-get update
apt-get install owncloud
See [[https://download.owncloud.org/download/repositories/stable/owncloud/|Install package owncloud]]
Make the following modifications to config.php, which allows access to ownCloud from WAN, LAN, and the server. "netbios name" is the local machine name within the LAN:
'trusted_domains' =>
array (
0 => 'localhost',1 => 'wwww.domain.com',2 => 'netbios name'
Cron job:
* Dont forget to configure the cron service on the server by executing:sudo crontab -u www-data -e
* where www-data is your web server user, and add:15 * * * php -f /var/www/owncloud/cron.php
===== Database =====
After installation, convert database to MySQL or MariaDB:
- Login to MySQL and create a new user "oc_user". Grant him all privileges for database "owncloud". This username must be the same as the admin user in config.php.
- Make sure there is no existing db "owncloud", if there is, drop it.
- Run the following command as user "www-data" (Debian) in folder /var/www/owncloud on the command line:php occ db:convert-type --all-apps mysql oc_user localhost owncloud
- You will see the creation of the db tables displayed. Afterwards, check whether the tables have been created in MySQL, and try to login to owncloud.
- Add the directive "binlog_format = MIXED" to /etc/mysql/my.cnf under header [mysqld]
See [[https://doc.owncloud.org/server/9.0/admin_manual/configuration_database/db_conversion.html|Converting Database Type]] and [[https://doc.owncloud.org/server/8.0/admin_manual/configuration_database/linux_database_configuration.html|Database Configuration]]
===== Security =====
- Make sure HTTP Strict Transport Security is enabled for your VirtualHost like so:
ServerName cloud.owncloud.com
Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload"
- Place your data directory outside of the web root (see next paragraph)
- Do the [[https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/|Qualys SSL Labs Tests]]
- Generate a random password in mysql for the owncloud user, then add it to config.php
See [[https://doc.owncloud.org/server/9.0/admin_manual/configuration_server/harden_server.html#enable-hsts-label|Hardening and Security Guidance]]
===== Setings =====
- Place your data directory outside of the web root, e.g. /data. Copy all files including hidden files from the default location, and delete owncloud.db (which is the sqlite3 db not used anymore). Entry in config.php:'datadirectory' => '/data',
- Check additional config parameters such as your theme at [[https://doc.owncloud.org/server/9.0/admin_manual/configuration_server/config_sample_php_parameters.html|Config.php Parameters]] (see next paragraph)
- Activate the cache. On Debian 8, php 5.6 and APCu are already installed, so you only need to place the respective line into your config.php:'memcache.local' => '\OC\Memcache\APCu',
- Timezone settings for logs: 'logtimezone' => 'Asia/Seoul',
- Enable experimental apps: 'appstore.experimental.enabled' => true,
===== Branding =====
Modify the copyright text and display in the footer by creating "default.php" in /themes/your-theme-name/. Copy "default.php" from /lib/private/, rename the class to "OC_Theme", and modify as needed. Functions which do not change the output do not need to be repeated in the theme default.php file.
Activate the theme in /config/config.php by adding:
'theme' => 'mytheme',
===== Other settings =====
- If you need to generate files on your server which then get synced to your devices, do the following:
* Remember to check all folder path in your crontab or batch files
* Add the following option to config.php:'filesystem_check_changes' => 1,
===== Desktop client =====
- After installation, delete the preset Sync Connection, then setup your own Sync Connections
===== Clients =====
* [[win7:thunderbird|Thunderbird Mail Client]]