====== Network Control ======
===== System startup =====
- Register a batch file with startup commands in **XFCE (GUI) --> Session and Startup**
- Add commands to start the clients as VM or external client through wakeonlan:wakeonlan xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
VBoxManage startvm client
===== Shutdown by UPS =====
- Register a batch file with shutdown command in /etc/nut/upsmon.confSHUTDOWNCMD "/home/user/batch/shutdownall"
- Install NUT in all linux clients and connect them to the NUT server
- Make sure you can ssh as root into every client which needs to be shutdown manually with keypair, and without entering any password. Add a line for each client to this batch file:ssh root@client "shutdown -h +0"
===== Shutdown manuall =====
- Create a batch file with shutdown commands for each client:ssh root@client "shutdown -h +0"