====== Raspian 10 ======
===== Prepare SD card =====
* Download and install the [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/|RaspBerry Pi Imager]]
* Copy "RaspBerryPi OS Lite" to the SD card
===== Install OS =====
* Boot from SD card
* Update all packages
* Enable SSH server in //Interface Options// and set location and keyboard in //Localisation Options//:sudo raspi-config
* Change host name
* Config [[deb9:ssh#linux_host|SSH]] and generate SSH keys
* Exchange public key files
* Install missing packets:apt install autossh vim
===== Install AutoSSH =====
Install AutoSSH on a **remote_host** to connect to a **local_host** to allow connections from this **local_host** or **any_host** from any (other) location.
==== Setup remote_host ====
- Verify access from local_host and any_host: SSH from **remote_host** to **local_host**: with key pair authentication and establish tunnel, requires to be open on local location:remote_host$ ssh -R :localhost:22 user@ -p
- Once confirmed, create file //autossh-tunnel.service// in /etc/systemd/system/:[Unit]
Description=AutoSSH tunnel service Remote port to local 22
ExecStart=/usr/bin/autossh -o "ServerAliveInterval 10" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -N -R :localhost:22 user@ -p -i /home/pi/.ssh/id_ecdsa
We need to tell SSH the identity file as systemd will run as root. The environment variable is added so the autossh service can run in the background.
- Once we have the service file created start the service and enable it to run at boot:remote_host$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
remote_host$ sudo systemctl start autossh-tunnel.service
remote_host$ sudo systemctl enable autossh-tunnel.service
- Trouble shoot:sudo journalctl -u autossh-tunnel.service [-b]
==== Connect from local_host ====
- SSH from **local_host** to **remote_host** through tunnel at local_host$ ssh pi@localhost -p
==== Connect from any_host ====
- SSH to **local_host** and establish tunnel from (any_host) to localhost:
- SSH from any_host to localhost:
==== Connect to other services at remote location ====
Connections from any location cannot tunnel to other services on the remote network directly. Instead, we can open a (temporary) tunnel to any host on the remote network and add a tunnel to the same port to the connection from any_host to local_host.
- Login to remote_host, then establish an additional tunnel:remote_host$ ssh -R :host_on_remote_network: user@ -p
- SSH to **local_host** and establish tunnel from (any_host) to localhost:
- Connect from any_host to localhost:
- Example: to access a https website on remote host, host_on_remote_network=, =50443, =443
==== Links ====
* [[https://handyman.dulare.com/ssh-tunneling-with-autossh/|SSH tunneling with Autossh]]